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Practical information

Referrals: People refer themselves to see me for an initial consultation and referrals from other professionals are welcome. I am a registered provider for BUPA and accept direct referrals and accept referrals. I offer appointments to individuals and couples and I only see adults who are over 18 years old.

Appointments: Each session lasts for 50 minutes and costs £77. Fees are reviewed annually. Appointments are offered between 8am and 6pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. If you arrive early for an appointment, it would be helpful if you could wait in your car since I don't have a waiting room.

Frequency: The minimum frequency is 1 session per week at the same time each week. Some people come more than once a week.

Cancellations: I charge for all cancelled sessions, even if you have a holiday arrangement or are ill.

Confidentiality: Whatever is said to me during counselling and psychotherapy is absolutely confidential unless:

  • I have your permission to disclose information
  • I am required to do so by a court of law or
  • You are involved in a criminal activity which may be harming another person eg child abuse.

GP Involvement: We usually discuss and agree the need for this at the beginning of our work together. It may be a good idea to let your GP know if s/he is already involved in your treatment. I would not contact your GP without your consent.

Supervision: It is a professional requirement that counsellors and therapists are supervised in order to discuss their work. Surnames are not used and the identity of the client is always protected.

Parking and facilities: Please park on the drive in front of the garage, as a courtesy to my neighbours. My consulting room is on the ground floor and there are no special disabled facilities.